modus ponens

  • 网络肯定前件假言推理;肯定前件式;假言推理;分离规则;肯定前件
modus ponensmodus ponens
  1. The authors prove that the two classes of algorithms hold the continuity properties in the cases of fuzzy modus ponens and fuzzy modus tollens .


  2. Now two very well known forms of argument are dignified with ancient Latin names you will quite likely have come across at least the first of these very commonly used Modus ponens .


  3. To approximate reasoning on IFL , mathematical formulas of inference compositional operations on generalized modus ponens , modus tollens , and hypothetical syllogism are derived .


  4. Modus ponens from premises " if A , then C , A " can be suppressed with the introduction of the additional premise " if C , then Q , " when Q is a consequential conditionals with a negative outcome .
